Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Baby Blankets

As some of you know, we made and brought baby blankets and we (somehow!) squeezed them into our suitcases to bring. This morning we went to the Pediatric Ward of the main hospital and handed them out to mommies with their babies. We had a mini Christmas party, complete with juice, biscuits (cookies), Christmas songs on the accordion, and of course presents. The chaplain at the hospital told the Christmas story in Swahili to those present. Then we passed out both the blankets and some knitted animals, which everyone loved. Many of the women were very sad because they had to be in the hospital over Christmas and could not go to see their families, but we tried to bring a little Christmas joy to them.

Left: A happy mommy with a new blanket.

Right: Our friend Emily Mendonsa holding a sweet little baby boy.

Thank you to Leslie, Lucie, and Bixie Heerman for help making
all the blankets and to Lynne Costello for paying for them. The Lord will truly bless you for your generosity and these women were VERY thankful. We prayed over them many times, that the children and mothers receiving each blanket would be blessed with safety, health, and a relationship with Jesus. Please continue to pray, especially for the Somalian women who are Muslims.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We recognized the blanket with the tigers on it! Hope the flannel isn't too warm. Thank you for taking them to those babies. Every baby, regardless of race or religion, needs and deserves love and care.
Love, the Heermans